September 4, 2008

Woo-hoo! And thank you!

According to Sitememeter, this morning I officially received the 1,000th visit to my blog. Wow! As far as I'm concerned, that's not bad for just over four months. Some highlights of how people seem to reach my pages:

  • My sister's site seems to be the number one referring site. Thanks, sis!
  • Chile Chews, Green Bean Dreams, and the APLS blog are also great referral sites.
  • About 30% of folks clicking through on google searches of "webster groves" have actually stayed to read a page or two. I wouldn't have expected that, for some reason.
  • My favorite google search so far is: "does senator biden have dentures?" I guess that came from keywords in my vinegar post (it's apparently great for cleaning dentures) and my post about governor Palin's environmental record (Biden has a great record of voting for the environment).
Some highlights on who is visiting:
  • Nearly 650 visits originated from the USA. So far, 44 states have been represented.
  • Other countries represented are Australia and Canada. I've had hits from elsewhere, but it seems that most non-English-speaking folks don't seem to stay to read any posts. Go figure, since it's written in English.
  • Apple / Mac machines seem to be outnumbered, but the ratio is just 2 to 1.
  • It appears there are roughly 100 people who have visited this site more than 9 times; 60+ have visited more than 20 times. Thanks to all of you for your loyalty!

And a list of the most popular posts so far:

So thank you. I'm honored that you come to visit, and that many of you seem to stop and stay a while. Please let me know if there's a topic I've touched on that you'd like to hear more about, or if you'd like me to cover a related topic. Hopefully I'll "see" you around here again soon...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! You're welcome, sis. : ) I have a plug-in for my site so that it can be translated. Now I seriously get hits from all over the world. Kinda cool to be quoted in Swedish, Finnish, Italian, Japanese... I don't know if you can add a plugin for blogger, but might be worth a look.

I am surprised by how many people come to my site from Seattle - I've had an awful lot of Seattlite readers of late. I guess people enjoy learning from someone who is local.

That is one great search line. Wow. So... does he wear dentures??!